I created a test PB app calling a single custom C# DLL function 'getName(jsonstring)' using OleObject and ConnectToNewObject( classname ) approach.
I had the app compiled as 32 bit.
The compiled exe is able to succesfully create/instantiate the OleObject, connect, call the function and get the return value.
But when i go into IDE debug and track thru the code, PB is not able to connectonewobject. It's returning -3 error: Object could not be created.
Here's the code...
long ll_return
string ls_return, ls_json = 'xyz'
OleObject lole_sm
lole_sm = Create OleObject
ll_return = lole_sm.ConnectToNewObject(is_className )
choose case ll_return
case 0
ls_return = lole_sm.GetName(ls_json)
catch(RunTimeError re)
ls_return ="Error "+string(ll_return)+ ": Failed secret call. " + re.text
end try
case -1
ls_return = 'Error -1: Invalid Call: the argument is the Object property of a control.'
case -2
ls_return = 'Error -2: Class name '+is_className+' not found'
case -3
ls_return = 'Error -3: Object could not be created'
case -4
ls_return = 'Error -4: Could not connect to object'
case -9
ls_return = 'Error -9: Other error'
case -15
ls_return = 'Error -15: COM+ is not loaded on this computer'
case -16
ls_return = 'Invalid Call: This function not applicable'
case else
ls_return = 'Unknown error'
end choose
destroy lole_sm
return ls_return
PB Version: 2017 R3 Build 1915
C# .Net registered using regasm.exe
Need help to understand why in IDE debug mode am getting an error while in exe compiled mode there is no error.
Regards ... Chris