1. Matt Balent
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Thursday, 20 May 2021 01:16 AM UTC

Any news on submitting sessions?

Sally Li @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 24 May 2021 06:58 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Dear Matt, 

Sorry for couldn't share more Elevate news sooner.   

We delayed the call for paper time this year since we want to make Elevate 2021 focus on PowerServer2021.  Considering PS 2021 beta starts in May, we need to let more time pass by before we start to call for paper.  We would internally initiate the conference preparation in June and make some decisions based on the beta testing situation.   

I will keep you posted about Elevate here.  



Sally Li   

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