We have a complex (400 item) menu built in PB 2017. This menu is also viewable as a tree view.
I am trying to convert the menu to a ribbonbar.
The security code for the menu looks hierarchically through the menu at the tag of each menu item and decides whether to enable that item or not.
I can see how to list and process the categories in the ribbonbar, but although the help says that it is a container, there are no methods to access the items in the container except by name.
Is there a way to grab the list of panels in a category, and the list of controls in a panel?
Once I have drilled down to the level of the buttons, I will be able to use the menu methods to list the menu items.
If this can't be done, the only other way I can think of doing this is to prune the xml file directly, and then load it.