we managed to create a DLL (or better a set of DLLs) for 32 bit PowerBuilder applications that can interact with Outlook 32 bit and Outlook 64 bit as well. The DLL called from a 32 bit application tries to initialize 32 bit MAPI. If it doesn't succeed it calls through a 32 / 64 bit COM bridge a 64 bit server which initializes 64 bit MAPI that communicates with 64 bit Outlook.
Of course a DLL for 64 bit PB and 64 bit Outlook is included as well.
Download is available from out website at https://www.catsoft.ch or directly through https://kdrive.catsoft.zuerich/app/share/124668/ee34de66-aa1d-4ac7-8faa-c7d132ef137c.
Check the Readme.html for usage details.
Any feedback welcome.