Hi PowerSphere
Around 20-25+ years ago - there was a (maybe) free product called DPBServer ( which used the "late" Distributed PowerBuilder object)
It was pretty awesome - and i was wondering if someone out there had the sourcecode. ( guess PB6.5)
I found somethind on webarchive but just info - no sourcecode ( as it was licensed )
PowerTeam - Distributed PowerBuilder (archive.org)
Dean Jones made it -
Please look at my DPBServer http://www.powerobjects.com/distributedhome.html
Dean Jones, CPD Professional
PowerTeam, Inc.
i know it is a wild shot - but it would pretty awesome to take this code and modenize it with the winsock object from STD :)
I have the new TopWizWeb installed using the "httpPlatformHandler" approach. The Client & Desktop PB Apps work ok with the PB Web service but the AjaxDemo, DWTable, customer, etc URLs will not work. They error out with the message "A license is required for remote access". This seems strange as those URLs are all LOCALHOST based. As you said, the demos should work without a license as long as it's running on the same developer machine - which I am. Any thoughts as to why I'm being blocked on my PB machine (which is W11 BTW)?
Regards ... Chris