Hi Olaf, nice to hear you've got it working (at least for 32 bit).
For the 64 bit version, please see this link: https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/64bit-ocx-does-not-work-with-a-64bit-executables
It seems that Yakov Verde got a control "somehow" working by using a dynamic approach (read in order from Oldest to newest and read everything). I'm not so sure if that's an easy path to follow though.
You would also need a separate 64 bit installer as things will be registered in different folders in the registry.
I am able to instantiate the 64 bit calendar control at runtime in a 64 bit application using the InsertClass( string s) method. The trick is that you have to place an empty control (Insert Control OLE- Create New -- choose the empty line). Although named the same in PowerScript. They are internally different
type ole_2 from olecontrol within w_calocx //---This is the generic
end type
type ole_1 from olecustomcontrol within w_calocx ///-- this exposes events
end type
I inspected our application code. The positive news is that we only do function calls and property settings. There are no custom control event scripts. It may be possible to work-around IDE limitations using the dynamic approach
Now even if this might work, this does seem a pretty difficult approach to me. Not only for having to do things dynamically but also for testing.
Here's just an idea:
Why not try to create a Winform application in .Net that uses the crystal report viewer control that you already have.
Then call that winform app from a function in a .Net DLL (that DLL has to be non visual)?
Use the DLL importer tool to import import the DLL's function to load the .Net Winform app.
The winform app would have to receive and return values from the function in the DLL
Kind regards,