Getting Error 12031 and some time Error 12002 while deploying. Powerserver is installed on windows 2016 and license has been activated successfully.
PowerServer connection was also successful during configuration. I searched appeon help, could not find error code documentation.
I was able to go further by Disabling SSL on IIS temporarily , and install via MSI (installer file).
but I cannot connect the mobile device, meaning trying to get to application through QR code or manually entering the the https address in Appeon Workspace
the error reads: could not resolve host name.
Is there any documentation/help to setup firewall rules multiple mobile device to communicate with PowerServer for both Web app or Mobile app.?
Since PowerServer is just an application (assistant actually) running under IIS. The configuration for firewalls, proxy servers, Anti-Virus, Active Directory, etc settings would be covered in the IIS documentation. The key is that any mobile device would be able to see the IIS instance (probably by its IP address vs DNS) publicly.
A big issue could be if your IIS instance (where PS is installed) is behind a corporate firewall where its not exposed to the outside world. In this case, you may need to create a public IIS instance and then create a "trust" (aka White Hole) through the firewall between the two IIS instances. Once that is set-up, you can then use URL redirection in the public IIS to get connected to your internal IIS behind the corporate firewall. This will now allow you to get to PowerServer from outside your organization (or even a cloud provider).
The best would be to speak with your network support team at your organization to get this set-up. Once this is done, an easy sanity check would be to open the mobile device's web browser and then type "http:///AEM". If the AEM App appears, your communicating OK through IIS to PS. Now you should be able to launch your Mobile App.
Regards ... Chris