1. Bryan Emerson
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Thursday, 16 April 2020 21:31 PM UTC

Is there something available from Appeon along the lines on a decompiler that can be used to extract PBW/PBL files from a previously compiled EXE?  We are needing to migrate some of our very old programs (Powerbuilder 7-9) to Powerbuilder 2019.  Is this something Powerbuilder can do, or is there another legitimate application out there that could help with this problem?  Thank you!

Armeen Mazda @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 16 April 2020 22:36 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Appeon doesn't provide anything in this regards, and there is no way to extract from EXE or DLLs.  There are some stuff floating around that might be able to decompile PBDs, but be careful that they don't install any malicious code on your computer.

By the way, this question has been asked before numerous times.  This is most helpful answer I found for you: https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/recovering-pbl-objects-from-pbds

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Roland Smith Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 17 April 2020 01:18 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

What happened to the .PBL files? You didn't have source control or backups?

  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Friday, 17 April 2020 01:43 AM UTC
Hi Roland ... Fyi - over the past decade, I bet that I've spoken with 40-50+ companies that have lost their PB App's source code. It's not as uncommon as you think. However, a scary number of them IMHO and only the ones that I've randomly heard about. :-(
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