I am exporting pdf using the following script:
dw_printer.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!")
dw_printer.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.ImageFormat = '2'")
dw_printer.SaveAs(s_newfilename, PDF!, FALSE)
dw_printer.SaveAs(s_newfilename2, PDF!, FALSE)
dw_printer.SaveAs("C:\testfolder\pdf\" + s_cpno + '_DPP_' + s_agennme + '_' + s_adver + ".pdf" , PDF!, FALSE)
The output is the same with how the layout look in datawindow but when I put a logo/image, the image is not displaying every time I print. Tried Distill! and installing a ghostscript too but still the image is not displaying.
Is there a way to resolve this issue? I am using PB 12.5. Any help would be so much appreciated. Thank you.
Yes. You can use any pdf printer driver like Microsoft Print to PDF (should be available in win10 & win11). But what happens if you try to save the datawindow as pdf from the IDE?