The code bellow works fine in SQLAnywhere and SQLServer 12 but fails on SQLServer Express 10.50.6000.
The result dw does not have the update property set and the key attribute in not set on the primary key fields.
ls_sql = "SELECT * FROM CMF "
ls_syntax = SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(ls_sql, 'Style(Type=Grid)', ls_error)
if ls_error <> "" then
f_message_box("Warning", ls_error)
Return -1
end if
dw_inventory.Create(ls_syntax, ls_error)
IF ls_error <> "" then
f_message_box("Error", "Create " + ls_error)
Return -1
end if
ll_status = dw_inventory.SetTransObject(SQLCA)
if ll_status < 0 then
f_sql_error(SQLCA, dw_inventory, "dw_inventory.SetTransObject(SQLCA)")
end if
ll_status = dw_inventory.Retrieve()
if ll_status < 0 then
f_sql_error(SQLCA, dw_inventory, "dw_inventory.Retrieve()")
end if
Note: Normally, by adding the DB User's login in the DBMS permission to have DBO "read" authority .. then the prefix would not be required.