1. Wojciech Sawicki
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Monday, 1 July 2024 10:12 AM UTC


I try make batch build. 

My SCC is VSS and I work with PB 11.9.

Try to make daily build with PB22R3.

Step 1 copy all pbl into build machine 

Step 2 generate one pbd from dlls using pbx2pbd220.exe

Step 3 Migrate from ide and apps work fine

Because its huge app testing must take a lot time and developers still working

My idea is: export changed object into folder ws_objects and call orca script

(in test only one object).


start session
set debug true
scc set connect property localprojpath "c:\erp630"
scc set connect property logfile "c:\erp630\CreatePBLs.log"
scc set connect property logappend false
scc connect offline
scc set target "c:\ERP630\ERP630.pbt" "IMPORTONLY"
scc exclude liblist "C:\ERP630\pbd\erpapppbd\erpapppbd.pbd"
scc refresh target incremental
scc refresh target "3pass"
scc close
end session


After it:

Log contains no error.

If i try open my pbw in ide i see window with communicate: It must be migrated

Hmm try as next step  PBAUTOBUILD

Export project into proj.json

And call

c:\build\util\PBAutoBuild220.exe /f "c:\ERP630\proj.json" /l Log_PBBuild.log /le Log_PBError.log

If %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
echo Run PBAutoBuild successfully.
) Else (
echo Failed to run PBAutoBuild, Errorlevel is %ERRORLEVEL%.

And its call end with error -1073741819 (what, why?)

Log_PBError.log is empty 0KB

The IDE does not request migration but object in library is in uchanged wersion.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to implement the scenario?

PB11.2 -->   VSS 


And daily VSS ->PB2022 R3 ?


I will be grateful for all ideas because I have already exhausted my creativity






René Ullrich Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 1 July 2024 10:32 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

If I understand you right you want to migrate a PB 11 application to PB2022R3 in a automatic build? I have no clue why you want to do this.

One problem could be that there are some changes in the application object since PB 11. A lot of properties are now stored in it. One is the appruntimeversion property.

So it may be that the compiler may fail if it is missing or IDE may want to migrate the application after build.

  1. Wojciech Sawicki
  2. Monday, 1 July 2024 10:43 AM UTC
Thank you for your opinion but i want import only changed objects pbls are in 2022 version.

I hve migrated pbls

I change one or a few objects in PB11.2 and i want import them into pbl 2022 and build pbds and exe

Manually its work but how to do it automatically
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  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Monday, 1 July 2024 13:15 PM UTC
Hi Rene;

I think that you are correct. You can't use PB 2022 R3 just for builds. You need to ...

1) fully migrate off PB 11.x

2) Migrate off using VSS (deprecated by Microsoft in 2005).

3) Switch off using VSS over to either SVN or GIT SCC.

Then you can use the PBAutoBuild properly once everything is PB 2022 R3 based. Especially since PBAB utility only works with either SVN or GIT SCC systems.

Regards ... Chris
  1. Helpful
  1. David Peace (Powersoft)
  2. Tuesday, 2 July 2024 15:26 PM UTC
VSS Will work fine with pbautobuild, but you need VSS Version 8 as a minimum.

If I understand it you are effectivly wanting to merge changes that you have made in PB11 with the source in PB2022. The potential problem with this idea is that there are some signigicant chanes to PB between those versions and some of the changes made in the migration will conflict with PB11. But I woudl start with an updated version if VSS to resolve your PBAutobuild problem.
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mike S Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 1 July 2024 14:01 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

as chris said, you have to use orcascript to use vss or similar SCC as the autobuild lacks that feature.


It is possible that the targe runtime settings were not set/changed after you ran your build.  I believe this is the same?   see: Search Bugs | Appeon



a few other things you may want to look at:

1. There are default settings for the current runtime versions in the PB IDE.  Make sure that is set to what orcascript is using.  In orcascript,  you can also set the runtime version to use.  Also, make sure you use the correct orca script.  for example:

OrcaScr220 /D runtime_version="


2. migrate is an option for refresh, I'm not sure how that is different than 3pass though? 3pass should be most comprehensive?

scc refresh target <full | migrate | incremental | 3pass>


3. i see you do an incremental then a 3pass?  Just do 3pass.  But play with it to see if you can get by with just full as it will be faster.


4. I also see you did not do a refresh all, but rather an import only?  that might be ok, but i like to get the most current code from scc.

scc set target "yourtarget.pbt" "refresh_all"




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