I have code that creates objects dynamically with the "CREATE USING" statement . It does not seem to work. I am not seeing any place where it says it not supported. Do need to make code change to get this to work?
All I am doing is:
lnv_object = CREATE USING as_object_name
I am checking right after to see if it created and it not.
Thanks for your assistance.
A good thought for native PB App but not in the case of PowerServer. The only way that could happen is if the PBL of the dynamic NVUO is not in the Web Apps deployment list. PB objects get converted to Java classes in PS apps.
Regards ... Chris
But could it be that even if the PBL is in the deployment list PowerServer is not including the object because it is not referenced statically? Is there a resource file PowerServer uses when converting to Java classes that could be used to make sure the user object is included in the conversion process?