We have a function in our application which takes any datawindow, finds all visible columns and copies them to another datawindow for export til Excel using dw_excel.saveas().
This is done because we only want to export the visible columns to Excel.
However, yesterday a customer reported that our application quits without any error or message.
I've debugged the code and PowerBuilder quits at this codeline:
dw_saveas.object.data = dwo.object.data.current
I've tried the following replacements, but I get the same behavior:
The datawindow contains about 330.000 rows.
If I change the parameters a bit so that the datawindow contains "only" 290.000 rows, everything works as it should.
Is there any limitation for the size of a datawindow when it comes to copying?
Bjarne Anker
Maritech Systems AS
I think that Marco may have "hit the nail on the head" with this analysis. a 64Bit App EXE could be the answer.
The only other suggestion I have is to try the "Rows to Disk" feature of the DW and see if that alleviates some memory from the process.
Regards ... Chris