Necmettin Urkmez
- SnapObjects
- Wednesday, 27 November 2019 02:18 PM UTC
I have seen some code in "orderdemo" project.
PB client side code that consumes web api....
String ls_url
String ls_response
String ls_json
JsonPackage lnv_package
Int li_return
lnv_package = Create JsonPackage
lnv_package.SetValueByDataWindow("order", adw_order, true)
lnv_package.SetValueByDataWindow("orderitems", adw_orderitems, true)
ls_url = gn_RESTClient.of_get_url("WOrderNew", "UeSave")
If gn_RESTClient.of_post(ls_url, lnv_package) > 0 Then
li_return = 1
li_return = -1
End If
Destroy lnv_package
Return li_return
Web api side
// POST api/WOrderNew/UeSave
public ActionResult UeSave(IDataUnpacker dataUnpacker)
// Declare and initialize local .NET DataStore variables
// By getting the Packaged DataStores
IDataStore order = dataUnpacker.GetDataStore("order");
IDataStore orderItems = dataUnpacker.GetDataStore("orderitems");
// Check if the modification was successful
if (_service.UeSave(order, orderItems))
// Return Status Code 200
return Ok();
// Return a Status Code 500 for Internal Server Error
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError);
My question is that,
Is it possible to use JSONPackage object non-PB clients? Or how can I consume UeSave API any other type client such as java script or mobile client?
Regards and Thanks
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