1. Vladislav Cale
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Tuesday, 14 June 2022 17:13 PM UTC

Hi all,

I use Powerbuilder 2021, build 1506

I want to export Data once datastore is retrieved. Simple as that.

I got XML Template like this (this is extraction from Edit source of datawindow):

export.xml(usetemplate="efaktura_avans" headgroups="1" includewhitespace="1" metadatatype=0 savemetadata=0 template=(comment="" encoding="UTF-8" name="efaktura_avans" xml="<?xml version=~"1.0~" encoding=~"UTF-16LE~" standalone=~"no~"?><cec:UBLExtensions><cec:UBLExtension><cec:ExtensionContent><sbt:SrbDtExt><xsd:InvoicedPrepaymentAmmount __pbband=~"detail~"><cbc:ID> fin_promet_broj_dokumenta </cbc:ID><cac:TaxTotal><cbc:TaxAmount currencyID=~"RSD~"> iznos_pdv </cbc:TaxAmount><cac:TaxSubtotal><cbc:TaxableAmount currencyID=~"RSD~"> iznos </cbc:TaxableAmount><cbc:TaxAmount currencyID=~"RSD~"> iznos_pdv </cbc:TaxAmount><cac:TaxCategory><cbc:ID> tar_efaktura_kategorija </cbc:ID><cbc:Percent> tar_porez </cbc:Percent><cac:TaxScheme><cbc:ID>VAT</cbc:ID></cac:TaxScheme></cac:TaxCategory></cac:TaxSubtotal></cac:TaxTotal></xsd:InvoicedPrepaymentAmmount></sbt:SrbDtExt></cec:ExtensionContent></cec:UBLExtension></cec:UBLExtensions>"))

and want to extract XML using this code:

Long ll_return, ll_retrieve_avansi

u_ds luo_ds_avansi


luo_ds_avansi = create u_ds
ll_return = luo_ds_avansi.event ue_setTransObject(SQLCA)

ll_retrieve_avansi = luo_ds_avansi.retrieve(as_mesto_knjizenja, al_broj, al_id_dokumenta)

if ll_retrieve_avansi > 0 then
ls_xmlAvansi = luo_ds_avansi.Describe("DataWindow.Data.XML")
//ls_xmlAvansi = luo_ds_avansi.Object.DataWindow.Data.XML
end if

Now, this and only this node name cec:UBLExtensions forces the code line Describe("DataWindow.Data.XML")

to crash Powerbuilder application without any exception or message thrown

interesting, when I change the node name to  cec_UBLExtensions everything works fine. So, I got workaround by replacing this node to cec:UBLExtensions after in string.

But it is strange that PowerBuilder crashes all the time. Notice how much nodes has ":" in name such as cec:ExtensionContent, sbt:SrbDtExt, cbc:id...

but one and only node with : called exactly cec:UBLExtensions crashes the whole PB application (!?)


Could anyone try the same or advice what could be happening here ?



Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 14 June 2022 17:21 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Vladislav ;

  Please open a Support Ticket so that Appeon can track this issue and determine if this is actually a product bug or possible a documentation issue.

Many thanks in advance!

Regards .... Chris

  1. John Fauss
  2. Tuesday, 14 June 2022 17:42 PM UTC
He says he using PB 2021 Build 1506, not the PB 2022 Beta.
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