Hi, I can't connect with oleobject to active directory SSL. With a non SSL conection works fine. But now we need SSL My code: adoCommand = Create OLEObject adoConnection = Create OLEObject adoRootDSE = Create OLEObject // Setup ADO objects li_rc = adoCommand.ConnectToNewObject("ADODB.Command") If f_Ldap_ConnectError(li_rc, "ADODB.Command") Then Return FALSE li_rc = adoConnection.ConnectToNewObject("ADODB.Connection") If f_Ldap_ConnectError(li_rc, "ADODB.Connection") Then Return FALSE adoConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" //Conexión con autentificación de usuario adoConnection.Properties("User ID", ls_user) adoConnection.Properties("Password", ls_pass) adoConnection.Open("Active Directory Provider") adoCommand.ActiveConnection = adoConnection ///Consulta para comprobar si el usuario con el que se ha realizado la conexión es válido. ls_Query = "SELECT sAMAccountName " ls_Query += "FROM 'LDAP://" + ls_DNSDomain + "' " ls_Query += "WHERE objectClass='user' and objectCategory='person' and samaccountname='"+ ls_red +"'" try // Run the query adoCommand.CommandText = ls_Query adoRecordset = adoCommand.Execute If NOT adoRecordset.EOF Then ls_Value = String(adoRecordset.Fields("sAMAccountName").Value) If upper(ls_value) = upper(ls_red) then lb_valido = TRUE // Close the connection adoRecordset.Close catch ( oleruntimeerror orte ) //No tiene permisos MessageBox("OLERuntimeError", orte.Text) end try I allways catch an error: Se requiere un método de autenticación más seguro para este servidor. Or if I use FROM 'LDAPS://" I get the message "La tabla no existe"
Thank you