Hi Jon,
Here is some code that I think should work. I haven't tested it but it is modified from some code I do use. There are a couple of optional bits in there which I have commented with OPTIONAL
OLEObject ole_item, ole_attach, ole_outlook
integer li_result
String ls_folderfile, ls_email_addr, ls_subject, ls_email_text_message
//Do you need the sender's email address?
String ls_sender_addr
integer li_return = 1
ls_folderfile = "c:\pdf\pbreport.pdf"
idw_rpt.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = XSLFOP!
li_return = idw_rpt.SaveAs(ls_folderfile, PDF!, true)
// The SaveAs failed so handle it. I'm just returning early for this example
if li_return < 1 then return -1
ls_sender_addr = "jon@akaware.com"
ls_email_addr = "jonstoller56@gmail.com"
ls_subject = "Report from AKA Software"
ls_email_text_message = "The attachment is a report from AKA Software"
ole_outlook = Create OLEObject
//Connect to Outlook session using 'Outlook.Application'
li_result = ole_outlook.ConnectToNewObject("outlook.application")
if li_result <> 0 then
Messagebox("Outlook Error","Could not launch Outlook.~n~rReturn Code [" + string(li_result) + "]")
destroy ole_outlook
li_return = -1
// Creates a new mail Item
ole_item = ole_outlook.CreateItem(0)
// OPTIONAL - If you don't fill this in then it will just use the default email from account
ole_item.SentOnBehalfOfName = ls_sender_addr
// Set the recipient
ole_item.To = ls_email_addr
// OPTIONAL - Set the CC
ole_item.Cc = 'cc@madeup.domain.com'
// Set the subject line of message
ole_item.Subject = ls_subject
// Body of mail message
ole_item.Body = ls_email_text_message + char(13)
// OPTIONAL - if you want to use HTML in the body
//ole_item.BodyFormat = 2 // olFormatHTML
//ole_item.HTMLBody = ls_email_text_message + char(13)
ole_attach = ole_item.Attachments
catch (throwable t2)
MessageBox('Error Adding Attachments', "There was an error adding attachments to Outlook. The attachment size may exceed Outlook's allowable limit.", StopSign!)
li_return = -1
end try
if li_return = 1 then
ole_item.Display // Displays the message
catch (throwable t)
// Swallow this exception. Can occur if the user cancels the email (e.g. after being presented with blank subject warning message)
li_return = -1
end try
end if
destroy ole_outlook
end if
return li_return
I will try it.
Jon Stoller