Hi, this is my situation: I have a PB app that I'm trying to deploy to remote cloud server. The server is only available through DNS record which is re-routed so it only responds to https. I compile and package the application and APIs and ship them to the server where I unpack manually.
Let's say I access the application at https://server5.s2.foo.com/fooapp and I can download the app through the browser, so the application is installed in a folder fooapp in the root of IIS. The APIs are installed under a folder foo_api in the root of IIS.
My question is: what should the Web API URL be in the Web APIs tab of the deployment project? I have tried not specifying a port, using 5000 with http, using 5009 with https, adding the /foo_api to the url. All seems to fail with 'Session creation failed.'
It takes a couple of hours to compile and deploy each time because of the security on my server, so any pointers would be gratefully received.
1. The Hosting_Web_APIs_in_IIS document, if you follow the path about packaging the APIs in a zip file (which is what I have to do), at the end it just says 'copy all files from the publish folder to the server'. No details about where on the server or other configuration required. Can you expand on that bit?
2. Can the APIs be under the same web root as the application i.e. port 80/443, or do I need a completely separate site/application pool in IIS?
2. You should do a completely separate site/pool. The Web APIs use .NET Core framework.
"No details about where on the server or other configuration required. Can you expand on that bit?"
The information at the end of this page: https://docs.appeon.com/ps2021/Packaging_the_PowerServer_Web_APIs.html maybe also helpful to you, or refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/publish-to-iis?view=aspnetcore-6.0&tabs=visual-studio#publish-and-deploy-the-app.