1. Rick Domogalik
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Monday, 22 July 2019 17:08 PM UTC

I am having some issues calling a stored procedure. I get an error that "the cursor is not open" when it tries to FETCH the output. The stored procedure simply returns the next record number off a stack and increments it up by 1.

I can get the procedure to execute with no errors, the error pops in the FETCH section.

String ls_recnum
ls_recnum = Space(100)

connect using sqlca;

DECLARE sproc_getevent PROCEDURE FOR dbo.sp_getevent 
    @result = :ls_recnum OUTPUT 

EXECUTE sproc_getevent;
If sqlca.SQLCode < 0 Then
    MessageBox( "Error Calling proc - sp_getevent", sqlca.SQLErrText,    StopSign!)
End If

FETCH sproc_getevent INTO :ls_recnum;
If sqlca.SQLCode < 0 Then
    MessageBox( "Error Fetching proc - sp_getevent", sqlca.SQLErrText, StopSign!)
End If

CLOSE sproc_getevent;
MessageBox("RecNum", ls_recnum)

Any help would be appreciated.

Matthew Balent Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 22 July 2019 17:56 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

You need to OPEN the cursor prior to the FETCH.

OPEN sproc_getevent;

Prior to the Execute.

  1. Rick Domogalik
  2. Tuesday, 23 July 2019 13:17 PM UTC
Thanks for the help. I am now getting another weird error. In my script after adding the open.

Database C0038: SQLSTATE = 22005{Microsoft}{ODBC SQL Server Driver}Invalid character value for cast specification.

I have checked the argument for the stored procedure and have the right data type. It is Varchar(7) in the procedure and I have a string declared. I have seen several suggested fixes for this error, but none seem to fix the issue.

I have tried adding ;StripParmNames='Yes' and CallEscape='No' to the end of my connection string for the database.

If I remove the argument totally from the declare, it prompts me that it needs the @result parameter.

Any thoughts?
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