1. Vipin Dwivedi
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Friday, 24 August 2018 00:50 AM UTC

Hi Appeon Community,


Our Product is on PowerBuilder 2017 R2 with Github as repository. We have been using the ORCA script as well as PBC170.exe to Refresh/import the lastest objects in PBLs and build the EXEs as well as PBD which is working fine.

Since R3 has been released now, we are going to upgrade to R3. In R3 we don't need PBG file to maintain the list of objects, it directly pulls the objects from ws_object\PBLs.src folders. I read this in "Bruce video"

My question is, Is it still require to use the ORCA script to import the latest objects into PBLs or Direct execution of pbc170.exe will do this job.

I tried running the below ORCA Script in R3

start session
scc set connect property localprojpath "PB2017R3_BUILDTEST"
;localprojpath must point to the parent directory of ws_objects folder
scc set connect property logfile "PB2017R3_BUILDTEST\svnorca.log"
scc set connect property logappend false
scc set connect property deletetempfiles "true"
scc connect offline
scc set target "PB2017R3_BUILDTEST\abc.pbt" importonly
scc refresh target 3pass
scc close
end session

where it did the followings

Import all the objects at root folder.

Creates the PBG files

Import the objects into PBLs and refresh the traget using 3pass machanism.

When I ran the below script to build the executable then also it icreated the PBG files and refresh the PBLs (I can see the size of PBLs growing low to high)

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Shared\PowerBuilder\pbc170.exe" /d "abc.pbt" /o "abc.exe" /r "abc.pbr" /w n /f /m n /x 32 /bg y /p "TEST" /cp "TEST" /de "TEST" /v "" /vn "" /fv "" /fvn "" /ge 0


Since both ORCA script and executable takes so much time, Will calling the PBC170.exe will do the import new objects, refresh PBLS and build exe/pbd all together? I know PBC170.exe won't create new PBL but whatif I don't need to create a new PBL?



Vipin Dwivedi Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Saturday, 25 August 2018 01:24 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Bruce,

When I am running the above script to build the exe. PBDs are creating but Exe is not. It is throwing the error "Creation of exe failed due to link error". I played with PBR files by coping all the icons and pbrs at root level (above ws_objects) but result is same. What could be the reason. I tried running the build as Administrator but nothing worked.


Any suggestion.




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Vipin Dwivedi Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 24 August 2018 19:33 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Thanks Bruce for the reply. One more question, Is it a good practice to use "outofdate" clause with "importonly" when refreshing the target as we build our project daily twice so there will be only few objects which will get change so it will import only those objects which got change. This way we can reduce the run time of Target refresh script using ORCA.

Just a thought.



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Bruce Armstrong Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 24 August 2018 15:41 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 3

>>My question is, Is it still require to use the ORCA script to import the latest objects into PBLs or Direct execution
>>of pbc170.exe will do this job.

No,  Just the git client to update the project before running your OrcaScript.

>>Since both ORCA script and executable takes so much time, Will calling the PBC170.exe will do the import new
>>objects, refresh PBLS and build exe/pbd all together?

No.  PBC170 just compiles what it finds in the PBLs.  You still need to use OrcaScript to make sure the PBLs are up to date.


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Vipin Dwivedi Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 24 August 2018 00:53 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 4

One more thing I noticed that it import all objects at root level too when running PBC170.exe. Just thought to let you know.

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