we are on Pb2021 connecting to SQLServer 2019 by new Microsoft OleDB Driver.
In past we also used SNC, sql server native connect.
We need to store unicode characters like Ą, Ć, Ę, Ł, Ń, Ó, Ś, Ź, Ż
Our db column datatypes are nvarchar for sql server database to save unicode characters but the database saves different characters. to db. This seems to be because we do not use ncharbind=1.
As far as we know we have to set dbparm to ncharbind=1 and to make this work in addition also disablebind=0.
But disablebind =0 has different bad side effects on our program. Today we are using disablebind=1.
Some best practice to save unicode data to sql server by pb program?
Is using ncharbind the right way to do?
Heino Hellmers