After a bunch of testing here is what I found and easy to reproduce...
PowerObject array is supported but there is a catch.. If you pass array to it as open ended
Powerobject POPARR[]
s_structrue ls_str[]
set info into structure
POPARR[] = ls_str[] //this does not work.
POPARR[1] = ls_str[1] //this does work,
Looks like you have to quantify the passing in the array vs passing it without quantifying it.
Chris if you could please confirm, Below is script you can copy/paste to test. Let me know your results
PowerObject POPTest[]
s_str_test s_simple_arr[], s_new_arr[]
//Structure definition
// string s_string
// string s_string2
// Long l_number
s_simple_arr[1].s_string = 'test1'
s_simple_arr[1].s_string2 = 'test1'
s_simple_arr[1].l_number = 1234
s_simple_arr[2].s_string = 'test2'
s_simple_arr[2].s_string2 = 'test2'
s_simple_arr[2].l_number = 1234
//this does not work
POPTest[] = s_simple_arr[]
//this does work
POPTest[1] = s_simple_arr[1]
POPTest[2] = s_simple_arr[2]
s_new_arr[1] = POPTest[1]
s_new_arr[2] = POPTest[2]