I am trying to authenticate the user using the LDP, the configuration on the server (AEM) tested OK when I run the application on the mobile and enter the username and password I am getting Error code: -1 username is required.
The script below on the application opening is this the correct please to call the LDP authentication function?
//* open: Application Open Script
//* 1) Instantiate connection service
//* 2) Populate SQLCA and Connect to the database
//* 3) Open main window
n_genapp_connectservice lnv_connectserv
lnv_connectserv = Create using "n_genapp_connectservice"
If lnv_connectserv.of_ConnectDB ( ) = 0 Then
/* LDP Authentication */
String ls_username, ls_password,ls_result
ls_result=AppeonLDAPLogon(ls_username,ls_password )
If ls_result > "" Then
MessageBox("ERROR", "The userid/password is not valid!")
End If