We would like to add fingerprint verification to our Appeon Mobile App.
At the moment I'm at the point where I can check fingerprints/touch id but I don't know how to send success(or error) status code/message back to the app after the verification.
This is my code so far. Does anyone know what's required to do this?
nv_fingerprint = CREATE eon_cordova_fingerprint
If nv_fingerprint.of_isavailable ( ) Then
li_rc = nv_fingerprint.of_init( )
If li_rc = +1 Then
If ls_platform = 'iOS' Then
nv_fingerprint.of_verifyfingerprint_ios ( )
nv_fingerprint.of_show ( )
End If
MessageBox ("Cordova Error!", "Finger Print - RC: " + String ( li_rc ) )
End If
MessageBox('','Fingerprint scan is not available on this device')
End If
Destroy nv_fingerprint
Thank you and regards,