Project type: Mobile - works.
Project type: Web or Universal - NOT
Error "You are deploying to the PowerServer Mobile (PB Edition), please select the Mobile project type and then deploy again."
Is it possible to deploy Web project?
Project type: Mobile - works.
Project type: Web or Universal - NOT
Error "You are deploying to the PowerServer Mobile (PB Edition), please select the Mobile project type and then deploy again."
Is it possible to deploy Web project?
When you say "Appeon Web" you mean "Appeon Server Web Component"? There is something related to 32/64 installation of Appeon Web?
Tried different installations and PB 2017 doesn't deploy to Appeon Web.
My old workspace using PB 12.5 works fine, deployment to Appeon Web 2016.
What should be done to get the project type "Web" work. ? I do not want mobile deployment.
Please help.