Hi, I've got a question which is a little bit similar to this one https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/cloudapppublisher-centralized-deployment. I've been testing the new PowerClient deployment for our apps and I'm still not 100% sure how the CloudAppLauncher service/non service thing works?
We've deployed a few test PowerClient apps with the non-service installation and we had issues because our PCs are pretty locked down with application whitelisting. I managed to overcome that now just for testing, but going forward we are considering installing the CloudAppLauncher_Installer.msi via group policy ahead of time and then giving the users the URL to our PowerClient applications. So my questions are:
1. Will this work correctly? Will the files served via the URL find the pre-installed CloudAppLauncher
2. If we install CloudAppLauncher_Installer.msi via Group Policy, or some other automated central software deployment will that install the CloudAppLauncher as a service?
3. We are building the applications in the latest version of PB 2019R3, but when we migrate to PB 2021 or later, will we need a different version of the CloudAppLauncher installed? How are updates to CloudAppLauncher applied, either when we deploy with the msi, or when it is installed locally via the URL?
As this is not clear to me and maybe to other people, If you have two powerclient applications, one in PB 2019 R3 and one in PB 2021, the CAL from PB 2021 can handle both or we have to install two different CAL?
I am running R3 PC apps today using the CAL2021 on my test systems.