1. Roy Bungert
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Thursday, 31 August 2017 08:18 AM UTC

I installed Powerbuilder on my office pc and on my laptop.

Usually I work on my office pc. But if I want to work on my laptop, every time I had to logout from Powerbuilder on my office pc. If I forgot to do that, I can't login at the laptop (Message: You are already logged in)

I would suggest that Appeon change this behavior in such a way that there will be some kind of message like "You are already logged in at another computer. Do you want to logout from that computer?" so that I can login at my laptop.

Or does anybody have another idea?



IBD Team Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 31 August 2017 17:00 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Sorry Roy, I know it is an extra step but we intentionally want developers to release their own licenses when they are done using PB for the day.  The release user that Chris showed is for emergency situation only where somebody forgot, and that's why only the license admin can do it.  It is not a replacement for following correct procedure of releasing the license.

  1. Roy Bungert
  2. Friday, 1 September 2017 06:52 AM UTC
None of our developers release their own licenses after they are done usinf POB for the day. It's to much effort :-)

Anyway: How can I suggest a more modern and userfriendly handling to Appeon? It shouldn't be a big deal to offer a logout from another computer for every developer, not only for the admins. Ideally from the login page of Powerbuilder and not via a webpage.

"Your license is still logged in at another computer. Do you want to release that license?" and after entering the password the old login should be released. Sounds simple ;-)



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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 31 August 2017 13:12 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Hi Roy;

   The Cloud licenses system is already designed to handle this situation, as follows:

1) Log into the Appeon Website.

2) Go to the User Center

3) Select "License Management" => "PowerBuilder IDE" => "Release User" menu on the left

4) Now action the "Release" link

  You should now be able to login into the PB IDE on your other PC!


Regards ... Chris

  1. Roy Bungert
  2. Thursday, 31 August 2017 14:04 PM UTC
But how do you handle this if you don't have the accessrights to do that. In our company we have 4 PB-licences but only one admin who can manage that.

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  1. Maurice Losier
  2. Monday, 27 November 2017 21:13 PM UTC
I tried to use this technic but is it possible it's only available to Enterprise Account?

Never mind I found this answer in Roy’s comments. I believe that needs to be fixed. I have to work on 2 different workstations  and at this point I can’t even find the machine Appeon believes I’m logged in with. Once credentials are verified users should be able to take over license.


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