oh... this was meant .... I was shure, there is a hidden property I didn't found ... so funny!
My Problem was.
I've been searching, why my drag&drop is no longer working and found
in CodeXChange\File_drop
in wn_file_drop_controller_e the event oe_postopen:
String ls_name = "wn_file_drop_example"
wn_main_master lo_win
IF go_ac.of_is_runas_administrator( ) = TRUE THEN
String ls_title
String ls_msg = "The application is running in ADMIN mode~rand cannot support external drag & drop in this mode!"
ls_title = go_ac.of_get_Appl_display_name( )
go_ac.of_messagebox ( ls_title, ls_msg, Information!, OK!, 1)
fn_open_sheet_window ( ls_name, lo_win , Layered! )
So if it is running as administrator Drag&Drop is not working? I Inserted same in my code:
FUNCTION Boolean IsUserAnAdmin ( ) LIBRARY "shell32.dll" to return admin_state
and it returned TRUE
So I wanted to run it in "normal" mode
So my DragnDrop Problem keeps unsolved
Best Regards
Ahhh .. my good old STD Framework does it again - LOL! ;-)
Regards ... Chris