12/26/2021 Update: A PowerBuilder 2021 sample app that includes all of the following code is available in CodeXchange at: https://community.appeon.com/index.php/codeexchange/powerbuilder/306-reading-a-smard-card-from-powerbuilder
We’re going to look at using the Smart Card SDK provided in more recent versions of Windows (XP and later). Earlier versions of Windows had an ActiveX installed called CAPICOM which could be accessed from PowerBuilder through OLE Automation, but that control was removed as of Windows Vista because of security issues.
We’re going to look at a number of operations:
· Reading the certificate Subject Name
· Reading other certificate data
Note: This post was updated on December 8th, 2021 to support 64 bit compilation. Thanks to Jason Schultz for pointing out the problem and to John Fauss and others for pointing out the necessary changes.
The first step is establish a context for the API calls. To do that, we need to declare the following local external function for SCardEstablishContext:
Function ulong SCardEstablishContext ( & ulong dwScope, & longptr pvReserved1, & longptr pvReserved2, & REF longptr phContext & ) Library "winscard.dll" |
And call it as follows:
ulong rc rc = scardestablishcontext( SCARD_SCOPE_USER, 0, 0, context ) IF rc = SCARD_S_SUCCESS THEN Return SUCCESS ELSE Return FAILURE END IF |
Where the following are defined as constants.
Context (the last argument) should be defined as an instance variable because we will need to release it when we are done making API calls. We will also be passing a reference to it in many of the API calls.
The second step is get a reference to the smart card reader(s) that the user’s machine is equipped with. We do that by declaring the following local external function for the SCardListReaders method in the SDK:
Function ulong SCardListReaders ( & longptr hContext, & Long mszGroups, & REF Blob mszReaders, & REF Long pcchReaders & ) Library "winscard.dll" Alias For "SCardListReadersW" |
The API defines the second argument as a string. However, we want to pass a null, and the way we do that with PowerBuilder is by declaring the argument as a long and then passing a zero. That causes the method to return all readers, rather than just a subset.
Once we’ve declared that we can use the following PowerScript to get an array that contains the name of all smart card readers on the system. The SDK returns the list as a null terminated array, so we parse the blob we get back and use the String function to pull the names out and put them in an array that PowerBuilder is more comfortable with.
ulong rc long ll_bufflen = 32000 long ll_readerlen string ls_reader = Space ( ll_bufflen ) blob buffer buffer = Blob ( ls_reader ) // Preallocate space in the buffer or the call will fail rc = SCardListReaders ( context, 0, buffer, ll_bufflen ) IF ll_bufflen > 0 THEN // BlobMid is messed up. Len reports Unicode chars, BlobMid acts like ANSI chars // so we have to double the values we pass to it to get full Unicode characters //Truncate the buffer to what was actually returned buffer = BlobMid ( buffer, 1, ( ll_bufflen - 1 ) * 2 ) //Read off the first value (string stops at the null terminator) ls_reader = String ( buffer ) //Add it to the array readers[1] = ls_reader //See if we have any data left ll_readerlen = ( Len ( ls_reader ) * 2 ) + 3 buffer = BlobMid ( buffer, ll_readerlen ) ll_bufflen = Len ( buffer ) //Loop through for the remaining data DO WHILE ll_bufflen > 0 ls_reader = String ( buffer ) readers[UpperBound(readers)+1] = ls_reader ll_readerlen = ( Len ( ls_reader ) * 2 ) + 3 buffer = BlobMid ( buffer, ll_readerlen ) ll_bufflen = Len ( buffer ) LOOP END IF |
If there are no readers, there isn’t much further to go. If there is only one, then you can proceed immediately to check if there is a smart card in it. If there is more than one reader, you may need to check them all to see which have cards in them, and if more than one do then prompt the user to select the card they want to work with.
There is a function in the SDK that can do some of this work for you (SCardUIDlgSelectCard). It determines what cards are available and prompts the user to select the one they want to work with. It does require working with an OPENCARDNAME_EX structure though, which is a bit tricky from PowerBuilder. For a number of reasons, we found that method didn’t serve our needs. As a result, this sample does all of the work without using that method.
The third step is to attempt to open a connection to any card(s) in the card reader(s) we’ve found. We do that by first declaring the following local external function for the SCardConnect method in the SDK.
Function ulong SCardConnect ( & Longptr hContext, & String szReader, & Long dwShareMode, & Long dwPreferredProtocols, & REF longptr phCard, & REF ulong pdwActiveProtocol & ) Library "winscard.dll" Alias For "SCardConnectW" |
And then call it in PowerScript as follows:
ulong rc rc = SCardConnect ( context, & reader, & SCARD_SHARE_SHARED, & SCARD_PROTOCOL_Tx, & card, & protocol ) |
Where “reader” is the name of the smart card reader we obtained from the previous step. The next two arguments are defined constants as follow (along with some other values you might use instead):
Once again, you’ll want to save “card” and “protocol” off as instance variables, because you’ll need to use them later.
protected longptr card protected ulong protocol |
The fourth step (assuming we found a card) is to get the card status to ensure that it’s ready for us to communicate with it. We do that using the SCardStatus API function:
Function ulong SCardStatus ( & longptr hCard, & REF String szReaderName, & REF Long pcchReaderLen, & REF Long pdwState, & REF Long pdwProtocol, & REF byte pbAtr[], & REF Long pcbAtrLen & ) Library "winscard.dll" Alias For "SCardStatusW" |
Which we then call via the following PowerScript:
integer i ulong rc long pcchReaderLen = 32000 string szReaderName = Space ( pcchReaderLen ) long pdwState long pdwProtocol byte pbAtr[] long pcbAtrLen = 32 FOR i = 1 TO pcbAtrLen pbAtr[i] = Byte ( Space(1) ) // Prepad the buffer NEXT rc = SCardStatus( card, & szReaderName, & pcchReaderLen, & pdwState, & pdwProtocol, & pbAtr, & pcbAtrLen ) IF rc = SCARD_S_SUCCESS THEN CHOOSE CASE pdwState CASE SCARD_UNKNOWN status = 'Unknown' CASE SCARD_ABSENT status= 'Absent' CASE SCARD_PRESENT status= 'Present' CASE SCARD_SWALLOWED status= 'Swallowed' CASE SCARD_POWERED status= 'Powered' CASE SCARD_NEGOTIABLE status= 'Negotiable' CASE SCARD_SPECIFIC status= 'Specific' CASE ELSE status= 'Not Known' END CHOOSE atrbytes = pbAtr atr = "" FOR i = 1 TO pcbAtrLen atr += of_bytetohex ( pbAtr[i] ) NEXT END IF |
Once again, you may want to save off the “status” and the “atr” (Answer to Reset) value. For ease in using them from PowerBuilder, I’ve converted them to strings (the ATR being a hex encoded string).
The constants for the various possible state values are:
And the of_bytetohex function was borrowed from PFC.
string ls_hex='' char lch_hex[0 to 15] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', & 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'} Do ls_hex = lch_hex[mod (abyte, 16)] + ls_hex abyte /= 16 Loop Until abyte = 0 IF Len ( ls_hex ) = 1 THEN ls_hex = '0' + ls_hex END IF Return ls_hex |
Now that we’re connected to the card, the fifth step is to connect to the specific applet on the smart card we want to work with. For this, you’ll need to have information from the card manufacturer as to the applet IDs you need to communicate with and the specific APDU command syntax they require. If you are working with US DoD Common Access Cards, a great deal of that information can be obtained from Common Access Card (CAC): Home, particularly Common Access Card (CAC) Security. The “Test Materials” section contains links for instructions on obtaining test cards and the form to do so. Also of particular interest on that page are DoD Implementation Guide for CAC Next Generation (NG) and Technical Bulletin: CAC Data Model Change in 144K Dual Interface
We’ll need to declare the SCardTransmit API call to send commands to the applet:
Function ulong SCardTransmit( & longptr hCard, & Long pioSendPci, & byte pbSendBuffer[], & Long cbSendLength, & Long pioRecvPci, & REF byte pbRecvBuffer[], & REF long pcbRecvLength & ) Library "winscard.dll" |
The API documentation indicates that the second argument is a SCARD_IO_REQUEST structure, but we’re going to use a pointer to that structure that we obtain from the SDK. The API documentation indicates that the fifth argument is a similar structure, but we’re going to declare it as a long and pass 0 to indicate that we’re passing null for that value.
We create a wrapper function because we’re going to be sending a number of commands to the card. The function takes a byte array as an argument and returns a string with status info.
integer i ulong rc byte sendBuffer[] long pioSendPci byte pbRecvBuffer[] long pcbRecvLength long cbSendLength byte getdata[5] string respSW1 string respSW2 cbSendLength = UpperBound ( apdu ) FOR i = 1 TO cbSendLength sendBuffer[i] = of_hextobyte ( apdu[i] ) NEXT pcbRecvLength = 2 FOR i = 1 TO pcbRecvLength pbRecvBuffer[i] = 0 ; NEXT pioSendPci = of_getpci() rc = SCardTransmit ( card, & pioSendPci, & sendBuffer, & cbSendLength, & 0, & pbRecvBuffer, & pcbRecvLength ) IF rc <> scard_s_success THEN return "" respSW1 = of_bytetohex ( pbRecvBuffer[1] ) respSW2 = of_bytetohex ( pbRecvBuffer[2] ) //This means there is more data to come IF respSW1 = "61" THEN getdata[1] = of_hextobyte ( "00" ) getdata[2] = of_hextobyte ( "C0" ) getdata[3] = of_hextobyte ( "00" ) getdata[4] = of_hextobyte ( "00" ) getdata[5] = pbRecvBuffer[2] cbSendLength = 5 pcbRecvLength = pbRecvBuffer[2] + 2 // We need two extra bytes for the status bits FOR i = 1 TO pcbRecvLength pbRecvBuffer[i] = 0 ; NEXT rc = SCardTransmit ( card, & pioSendPci, & getdata, & cbSendLength, & 0, & pbRecvBuffer, & pcbRecvLength ) IF rc <> SCARD_S_SUCCESS THEN Return "" respSW1 = of_bytetohex ( pbRecvBuffer[pcbRecvLength - 1] ) respSW2 = of_bytetohex ( pbRecvBuffer[pcbRecvLength] ) END IF Return respSW1 + respSW2 |
The script uses another method borrowed from PFC (of_hextobyte) to convert a hex value to a byte:
char lch_char[] integer li_byte int li_dec[48 to 70], li_i, li_len //Get the decimal code for hexadecimal value of '0' to 'F' // Whose ASC Value are from 48 to 57 and 65 to 70 For li_i = 48 To 57 li_dec[li_i] = li_i - 48 Next For li_i = 65 To 70 li_dec[li_i] = li_i - 55 Next as_hex = upper(as_hex) lch_char = as_hex li_len = len (as_hex) //Convert Hexadecimal data into decimal For li_i = 1 to li_len //Make sure only 0's through f's are present Choose Case lch_char[li_i] Case '0' to '9', 'A' to 'F' li_byte = li_byte * 16 + li_dec[asc(lch_char[li_i])] Case Else Return li_byte End Choose Next Return li_byte |
The of_getpci method is the one that gets a pointer to a LPCSARD_IO_REQUEST structure from the winscard DLL:
longptr dllhandle ulong pci dllhandle = LoadLibrary ( "WinSCard.dll" ) pci = GetProcAddress ( dllhandle, "g_rgSCardT0Pci" ) FreeLibrary(dllhandle) return pci |
That method in turn relies on external function declarations for three Windows API functions:
Function longptr LoadLibrary ( & string fileName& ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "LoadLibraryW" SubRoutine FreeLibrary ( & longptr dllhandle & ) Library "kernel32.dll" Function longptr GetProcAddress ( & longptr dllhandle, & string procName & ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "GetProcAddress;Ansi" |
The return value from the SCardTransmit is “9000” if it works. If the first two characters are “61”, it means that the call returns more data than could be returned in the original request. If that is the case, a second call is made to the function to retrieve the rest of the data.
Ok, now we’re ready to select the applet. This is the card specific process, so the following example will only work for US DoD CAC cards. You will need to consult information from the manufacturer of the card for specific details on how to deal with it.
There are two versions of the US DoD CAC card, one in which you need to access an applet ID of 790101 (the first version). If that fails, we attempt to connect to a container applet ID of 790100 and, if that works, an applet within it through it’s object ID of 0101.
string apdu[] string respSW string emptyarray[] apdu[1] = "00" apdu[2] = "A4" // Select apdu[3] = "04" // By id apdu[4] = "00" // first record apdu[5] = "07" // Lenth of data apdu[6] = "A0" // Applet ID to bit 11 apdu[7] = "00" apdu[8] = "00" apdu[9] = "00" apdu[10] = "79" apdu[11] = "01" apdu[12] = "01" respSW = of_sendapdu ( apdu ) // If we got OK, then it's an old card and we're already good IF respSW = SWRESPOK THEN version = '1' ELSE //Otherwise, try using the new card method //Select the master applet apdu[12] = "00" respSW = of_sendapdu ( apdu ) IF respSW <> SWRESPOK THEN //We don't know what it is Return FAILURE END IF //Reset the array apdu = emptyarray apdu[1] = "00" // CLA apdu[2] = "A4" // INS - select object apdu[3] = "02" // P1 apdu[4] = "00" // P2 - apdu[5] = "02" // Lc - length of data apdu[6] = "01" // file id apdu[7] = "01" respSW = of_sendapdu ( apdu ) IF respSW = SWRESPOK THEN version = '2' ELSE //We couldn't select the applet version = 'Unknown' Return FAILURE END IF END IF Return SUCCESS |
Before we go into specific operations, let’s see what we need to do to clean up after ourselves when we’re done. So, for our sixth step we need to disconnect from the card. To do that, we declare a local external function for the SCardDisconnect method in the SDK:
Function ulong SCardDisconnect ( & longptr hCard, & long dwDisposition & ) Library "winscard.dll" |
And call it with the following PowerScript:
ulong rc rc = scarddisconnect( card, SCARD_LEAVE_CARD ) SetNull ( card ) IF rc = SCARD_S_SUCCESS THEN Return SUCCESS ELSE Return FAILURE END IF |
Where SCARD_LEAVE_CARD (and other values you might need to use) are defined as:
Finally, in our seventh step, we need to release the context that we established in the first step. We need the SCardReleaseContext SDK method for that:
Function ulong SCardReleaseContext( & ulong hContext & ) Library "winscard.dll" |
And then use the following PowerScript to call it:
rc = scardreleasecontext( context ) IF rc = SCARD_S_SUCCESS THEN Return SUCCESS ELSE Return FAILURE END IF |
Now that we know how to connect to the card, we’ll look at some specific operations that we might want to perform using it. One is to have the user validate their PIN so we know that the user is actually the holder of the card. To do that, we need to send a specific APDU command to the card while we’re connected to it. For US DoD CAC cards, the value is 00 20 00 followed by the length of the PIN buffer ( “08” ) and then the hex encoded PIN right padded to the length of the PIN buffer with FF values.
In the following sample, w_pin is a window that is presented to the user into which they enter their PIN. The return code from the APDU call, if the PIN is invalid, indicates the number of additional attempts the user is allowed to make before the card is automatically locked and the user will need to go to a RAPIDS site to have the card unlocked.
int i int chances int pinlen string apdu[] string ls_pin string respSW Open ( w_pin ) ls_pin = message.StringParm // User hit cancel IF ls_pin = "" THEN Return NO_ACTION pinlen = Len ( ls_pin ) apdu[1] = "00" // CLA apdu[2] = "20" // Verify PIN apdu[3] = "00" // Not used apdu[4] = "00" // Not used apdu[5] = "08" // Indicate length of data, fixed at 8 // Add the PIN to the APDU FOR i = 1 TO pinlen apdu[5 + i] = of_bytetohex ( Asc ( Mid ( ls_pin, i, 1 ) ) ) NEXT // Pad out the rest of the APDU with 0xFF FOR i = pinlen + 6 TO 13 apdu[i] = "FF" NEXT respSW = of_sendapdu ( apdu ) CHOOSE CASE respSW CASE SWRESPOK // PIN Verified Return SUCCESS CASE PINLOCKED Return PIN_LOCKED CASE CACLOCKED Return CAC_LOCKED CASE INVALIDDATA Return INVALID_DATA CASE PINUNDEFINED Return PIN_UNDEFINED CASE ELSE IF Left ( respSW, 2 ) = PININVALID THEN chances = Integer ( Right ( respSW, 1 ) ) Return -chances End If END CHOOSE |
The possible status codes returned from the APDU call are defined as:
Reading the certificate Subject Name
The other thing we may want to do, once we’ve verified that the user knows the CAC PIN, is determine who the CAC card says the user is. To do that, we’re going to read the certificate off the card and then determine what the CN value of the Subject Name is. The US DoD stores the user’s name and EDI/PI number in the CN value in the following format: CN=LastName.FirstName.MiddleName.EDI/PI
The first step to access the certificate is to establish a cryptography context using the Windows API CryptAcquireContext method:
REF longptr hProv, & ulong pszContainer, & string pProviderName, & long dwProvType, & long dwFlags & ) Library "advapi32.dll" Alias For "CryptAcquireContextW" |
And call it using this PowerScript:
rc = CryptAcquireContext ( & prov, & 0, & providername, & PROV_RSA_FULL, & 0 ) |
“prov” is a pointer to the cryptography context that is passed by reference returned to us as a result of the call, defined as:
We declared pszContainer as a ulong rather than a string (as in the SDK) because we’re passing 0 indicating a null value. “providername” is also passed by reference as is defined as follows. However, we don’t use the value.
And PROV_RSA_FULL is defined as:
The second step, once we have the context, we need to call CryptGetUserKey in the Windows API to get a handle to the certificate:
Protected Function ulong CryptGetUserKey ( & longptr hProv, & long dwKeySpec, & REF ulong phUserKey & ) Library "advapi32.dll" |
And call it as follows:
rc = CryptGetUserKey ( & prov, & AT_KEYEXCHANGE, & userkey ) |
Where AT_KEYEXCHANGE is defined as:
And “userkey” is passed by referenced and returned to us by the method, defined as:
The third step is to call CryptGetKeyParam in the Windows API, declared as follows, to get the actual certificate:
ulong hKey, & long dwParam, & REF byte pbData[], & REF long pdwDataLen, & long dwFlags & ) Library "advapi32.dll" |
And call it as follows:
ulong rc long certlen byte temp[] //Call it with 0 first to get the size certlen = 0 rc = CryptGetKeyParam ( & userkey, & KP_CERTIFICATE, & temp, & certlen, & 0 ) //Now setup the buffer and call again for that size FOR i = 1 TO certlen temp[i] = 0 NEXT rc = CryptGetKeyParam ( & userkey, & KP_CERTIFICATE, & temp, & certlen, & 0 ) certbytes = temp |
Where KP_CERTIFICATE is defined as:
As indicated in the code comments, we call the function once with certlen set to 0 and the function returns the size of the certificate to use. We then call it a second time with a byte buffer populated to that size to get the certificate data.
The fourth step once we have the certificate data is to convert it to a certificate. To do that, we first have to establish a certificate context using CertCreateCertificateContext in the Windows API:
long dwCertEncodingType, & byte pbCertEncoded[], & long cbCertEncoded & ) Library "crypt32.dll" |
And call it as follows:
long encoding = X509_ASN_ENCODING + PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING certlen = UpperBound ( certbytes ) certContextPointer = CertCreateCertificateContext ( & encoding, & certbytes, & certlen ) |
Where X509_ASN_ENCODING and PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING are defined as:
And certContextPointer is defined as:
The fifth step is to get the Subject Name off the certificate using the CertGetNameString method in the Windows API:
longptr pCertContext, & long dwType, & long dwFlags, & long pvTypePara, & REF string pszNameString, & REF long cchNameString & ) Library "crypt32.dll" Alias For "CertGetNameStringW" |
And call it as follows:
long subjectlen string ls_subject subjectlen = 256 ls_subject = Space ( subjectlen ) rc = CertGetNameString ( & certContextPointer, & CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE, & 0, & 0, & ls_subject, & subjectlen ) |
Now that we have the subject name, we need to release the certificate context. We do that with the CertFreeCertificateContext Windows API function.
longptr pCertContext & ) Library "crypt32.dll" |
Which we call as follows:
rc = CertFreeCertificateContext ( certcontextpointer ) |
After which we need to release the cryptography context as well using the CryptReleaseContext Windows API function:
longptr hProv, & long dwFlags & ) Library "advapi32.dll" |
And call as follows:
rc = CryptReleaseContext ( & prov, & 0 ) |
Reading other Certificate Data
Once we have a pointer to a CERT_CONTEXT structure, one member of which is a CERT_INFO structure, we can actually access the certificate. The first thing we need to do is create a PowerBuilder structure we can copy the data into.
long dwcertencodingtype unsignedlong pbcertencoded long cbcertencoded unsignedlong pcertinfo unsignedlong hcertstore end type |
Then declare the following which we can use to perform the copy:
ref CERT_CONTEXT dest, & ulong source, & long buffsize & ) Library "kernel32" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory" |
And we call it as follows:
CONSTANT LONG CERT_CONTEXT_SIZE = 20 long buffersize = CopyCERT_CONTEXT ( lstr_cert_context, certcontextpointer, CERT_CONTEXT_SIZE ) |
Now we’re going to declare a PowerBuilder structure to hold the certificate information:
global type cert_info from structure long dwversion crypt_integer_blob serialnumber crypt_algorithm_identifier signaturealgorithm cert_name_blob issuer filetime notbefore filetime notafter cert_name_blob subject cert_public_key_info subjectpublickeyinfo crypt_bit_blob issueruniqueid crypt_bit_blob subjectuniqueid long cextension unsignedlong rgextension end type |
The crypt_integer_blob structure referenced above is defined as:
long cbdata long pbdata end type |
The crypt_algorithm_identifier structure referenced above is defined as:
long pszobjid crypt_objid_blob parameters end type |
The crypt_objid_blob structure referenced here is defined as:
long cbdata long pbdata end type |
The cert_name_blob structure referenced above is defined as:
long cbdata long pbdata end type |
The filetime structure referenced above is defined as:
long lowdatetime long highdatetime end type |
The cert_public_key_info structure referenced above is defined as:
crypt_algorithm_identifier algorithm crypt_bit_blob publickey end type |
The crypt_algorithim_identifier structure is defined above. The crypt_bit_blob structure is defined as:
long cbdata long pbdata long cUnusedBits end type |
Then declare the following in order to copy the information from the cert_into portion of the cert_context into the PowerBuilder structure:
ref CERT_INFO dest, & ulong source, & long buffsize & ) Library "kernel32" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory" |
And then call it as follows:
CONSTANT LONG CERT_INFO_SIZE = 112 long buffsize = CERT_INFO_SIZE CopyCERT_INFO ( lstr_cert_info, lstr_cert_context.pcertinfo, buffsize ) |
Now let’s access some of the certification information. We’re going to need the following function declared so we can convert the start and end dates of the certificate’s valid lifetime.
filetime lpFileTime, & REF systemtime lpSystemTime & ) Library "kernel32.dll" |
We’re going to need to define a PowerBuilder structure to pass for the systemtime.
global type systemtime from structure uint wYear uint wMonth uint wDayOfWeek uint wDay uint wHour uint wMinute uint wSecond uint wMilliseconds end type |
And then call it as follows:
systemtime lstr_notafter ulong rc rc = FileTimeToSystemTime( lstr_cert_info.notbefore, lstr_notbefore ) rc = FileTimeToSystemTime( lstr_cert_info.notafter, lstr_notafter ) |
The following will convert the systemtime structures to a PowerBuilder datetime variables
datetime notafter notbefore = DateTime ( Date ( lstr_notbefore.wyear, lstr_notbefore.wmonth, lstr_notbefore.wday ), & Time ( lstr_notbefore.whour, lstr_notbefore.wminute, lstr_notbefore.wsecond, lstr_notbefore.wMilliseconds ) ) notafter = DateTime ( Date ( lstr_notafter.wyear, lstr_notafter.wmonth, lstr_notafter.wday ), & Time ( lstr_notafter.whour, lstr_notafter.wminute, lstr_notafter.wsecond, lstr_notafter.wMilliseconds ) ) |
Finally we’re going to grab the public certificate both as a byte array and as a hex string. We’re going to need one more function declaration:
ref byte dest[], & ulong source, & long buffsize & ) Library "kernel32" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory" |
And then call it as follows:
byte encodedcert[] string ls_cert buffsize = lstr_cert_info.subjectpublickeyinfo.publickey.cbdata FOR i = 1 TO buffsize encodedcert[i] = 0 NEXT CopyCertEncoded ( encodedcert, lstr_cert_info.subjectpublickeyinfo.publickey.pbdata, buffsize ) FOR i = 1 TO buffsize ls_cert += of_bytetohex ( encodedcert[i] ) NEXT |
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