Translating Numbers Into (English) Words

John Fauss
Posts: 8
 1 year 2 months ago #500 by John Fauss
John Fauss created the code: Translating Numbers Into (English) Words
This is a small, simple, single-window application that uses a non-visual object (NVO) to translate numbers into English. It may be possible to adapt the NVO to translate numbers into words using other languages.
All of the PowerBuilder integer datatypes are supported. The translation of fixed-point (decimal) and floating-point (real, double) numbers are also supported, if you first convert the numeric value into a string via the PowerScript String function. Numbers that are far outside of the range of values supported by the standard PowerBuilder datatypes can be translated by constructing the number as a string. For example, a whole number containing up to 126 digits (999 quadragintillion, or 999 times 10^123) can be translated.
The translation of ordinal integer numbers (1 = first, 2 = second, etc.) in the range -999 to +999 is also available.

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