Free Generator of HTML Documentation from PBLs
Dan Cooperstock

Posts: 3
Dan Cooperstock created the code: Free Generator of HTML Documentation from PBLs
I was searching for an application to document my PBLs in a HTML website, by extracting comments etc. from my code, I ended up writing something, which I have attached, and offer for free for anyone's use.
It can document a single PBL, or all of the PBLs in a target (PBT).
It's not a completely standalone solution, as it requires the installation and use of the generic documentation generator NaturalDocs (
What's in the Zip file is a PB 2021 workspace, target and PBL with my application in it, configuration files for NaturalDocs, and a fairly comprehensive Help file explaining the required setup and usage.
The generated documentation can be improved by writing your comments at the start of functions, events etc. in the style it expects, and for objects that don't contain code, supplying a Comment in the object's Properties. It's all explained in the Help.
I'm sure this doesn't do anywhere near as good a job as VisualExpert ( but it's free! It was good enough for my purposes, which was helping a new PB hire to understand the common library used in our applications.
It can document a single PBL, or all of the PBLs in a target (PBT).
It's not a completely standalone solution, as it requires the installation and use of the generic documentation generator NaturalDocs (
What's in the Zip file is a PB 2021 workspace, target and PBL with my application in it, configuration files for NaturalDocs, and a fairly comprehensive Help file explaining the required setup and usage.
The generated documentation can be improved by writing your comments at the start of functions, events etc. in the style it expects, and for objects that don't contain code, supplying a Comment in the object's Properties. It's all explained in the Help.
I'm sure this doesn't do anywhere near as good a job as VisualExpert ( but it's free! It was good enough for my purposes, which was helping a new PB hire to understand the common library used in our applications.
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Jim Reese
Posts: 5

Jim Reese replied the code: Free Generator of HTML Documentation from PBLs
Just realized I also added some entries to the Comments.txt file that goes into the Config folder, it contains a Keywords list of PB objects, and I added 15 to the list: datepicker, groupbox, hprogressbar, hscrollbar, htrackbar, line, oval, picture, rectangle, ribbonbar, roundrectangle, statictext, vprogressbar, vscrollbar, and vtrackbar. My updated comments.txt file is attached here.
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Jim Reese
Posts: 5

Jim Reese replied the code: Free Generator of HTML Documentation from PBLs
Heribert, Dan, and others,
Attached is a zip of my PB modifications. I included a text file intended to make it easier to identify where I've touched the code. As I mentioned, this code still has some issues, I haven't had the time to dive back in to try to solve them, but it does include the mods I mentioned earlier as well as a few others, such as improving identifying inheritance across pbls. This is in version 2022 R3 build 3356. My zip does not replace the original, it only contains the PowerBuilder code.
Attached is a zip of my PB modifications. I included a text file intended to make it easier to identify where I've touched the code. As I mentioned, this code still has some issues, I haven't had the time to dive back in to try to solve them, but it does include the mods I mentioned earlier as well as a few others, such as improving identifying inheritance across pbls. This is in version 2022 R3 build 3356. My zip does not replace the original, it only contains the PowerBuilder code.
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Heribert Goeckel
Posts: 2

Heribert Goeckel replied the code: Free Generator of HTML Documentation from PBLs
Feel free to send what you have so far.
Feel free to send what you have so far.
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