PDF Digital Signature in PowerBuilder

Ramón San Félix Ramón
Posts: 33
 2 years 7 months ago #431 by Ramón San Félix Ramón
Ramón San Félix Ramón created the code: PDF Digital Signature in PowerBuilder
I have created a NetCore library called NetPdfService, which uses the iTextSharp library to digitally sign PDF files.

In short, the only thing that interests us are the two of_sign methods of the nvo_pdfservice class that allow us to digitally sign the pdf. The difference between both methods is that one uses an image to sign visually and the other does not.

The visual signature could be previously captured with a digital tablet, but I have not developed that in this example.

So that the example can be tested, I have added a test digital certificate called firma.pfx.

Attached PowerBuilder project and SnapDevelop projects of the C# libraries.

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Ramón San Félix Ramón
Posts: 33
 2 years 7 months ago #435 by Ramón San Félix Ramón
Ramón San Félix Ramón replied the code: PDF Digital Signature in PowerBuilder
For this example to work properly, Net Core 3.1 must be installed


If you already have it installed, the certificate you have created may not be correct, try the demo to see if it works for you.

If you sign the pdfs with my demo certificate, look for another way to create yours.

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Jimmy Freeman
Posts: 2
 2 years 7 months ago #434 by Jimmy Freeman
Jimmy Freeman replied the code: PDF Digital Signature in PowerBuilder
Thinks for your reply, I create a selfsign certifcate by "makecert" PowerShell command line, then export as a pfx type file. Here I have a error when I run your demo. Could you please tell me how to create the correct *.pfx file ?

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Ramón San Félix Ramón
Posts: 33
 2 years 7 months ago #433 by Ramón San Félix Ramón
Ramón San Félix Ramón replied the code: PDF Digital Signature in PowerBuilder
Thank you very much for your comment.
My digital tablet is the Wacom STU-540, and I have created the digital certificate with the program included:
Wacom sign pro PDF.
Best Regards.


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