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Powerbuilder 2019 on Linux


From Windows to Linux 

Did you know that Powerbuilder 2019 could run on Linux ?

Since Powerbuilder 2019 is now in 64 bit, it is now a lot easier to run on Linux using wine64


Here are the main steps to make generated Powerbuilder 2019 apps run on Linux.


What do you need ?

You will need :

  1. A valid Powerbuilder 2019 installed somewhere on a Windows machine
  2. A Linux desktop with a graphical environment installed
  3. your PowerBuilder 2019 app
  4. A JDBC driver as a .jar library
  5. An Open JDK distribution for Windows 64 bits
  6. Wine64

Use JDBC Driver

In Powerbuilder environment

Your Powerbuilder app has to use JDBC, it is much simpler than ODBC under Linux (Wine supports it though). Refer to JDBC section of this part of the documentation

JDBC needs a JDK to be used, part of the following actions is about installing a JDK under wine.


Generate code in 64 bits

In Powerbuilder environment

In the project painter , select "64 bit" in the "Platform" drop down list


Deploy your Powerbuilder app under Linux

On Linux.

Copy your .pbd and .exe files on Linux in c:\my_app_dir

Copy the needed 64bits DLL in the same directory c:\my_app_dir.

All your DLLs must be 64bits (otherwise you get an error c000007b ) . Pick them from a windows10 install of Powerbuilder from C:\Program (X86)\Appeon\Shared\Powerbuilder\x64

Here is the DLL list I needed to connect to ODBC, JDBC, Mysql, Native Sybase and Oracle (our app can handle all of them)

theme190 (the directory containing new 2019 themes, despite they are not rendered under Linux)



Install wine64 

On Linux.

Run as su under the user who will use wine:

apt-get update

apt-get install wine wine32 wine64

disconnect from root and go back to the normal user.

Run it one to create the ~/.wine directory in your HOME.

wine64 --version


Create 2 directories under wine

On Linux.

the  ~/.wine directory simulates the disk organization under windows. Create 2 directories there: 

mkdir -p ~/.wine/drive_c/Software/Java

mkdir -p ~/.wine/drive_c/Software/Mysql


Copy your JDBC driver under wine

On Linux.

copy your jar file (Mysql for me) under wine

cp mydir_somewhere/mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar ~/.wine/drive_c/Software/Mysql


Copy the OpenJDK under wine

On Linux.

Download JDK from . Pick the Windows 64 bits version of the distribution, as a zip file.

Unzip the file and copy the OpenJDK distribution (the directory right above the bin directory) under wine

cp mydir_somewhere/jdk-13.0.1 ~/.wine/drive_c/Software/Java



Setup Windows environment variables on Linux

On Linux.

Your jar file has to be in the CLASSPATH variable, your JVM dll has to be in the PATH variable. 

For this use regedit and edit the 2 keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Environment :

wine regedit




Create alias to launch your app

Add these lines to your .bashrc

alias myapp='cd the_directory_where_my_.exe_file_is ; wine64 myapp.exe &'

Launch your app

use the alias that you just created


You should see the first window of your app.



Something wrong ?
  • error c000007b : One of your DLL is not 64bits. Pick it up from a windows10 install from C:\Program (X86)\Appeon\Shared\Powerbuilder\x64
  • Could not initialize JVM: CLASSPATH or PATH variables are not defined properly. Check them. Another reason is that you picked up a 32 bits JDK.




Here is how to install a Powerbuilder 2019 generated app.

It is not very difficult for a regular unix fellow.

You will see that your app runs surprisingly well under Linux, even on a less powerful desktop.

Comments (9)
Thursday, Nov 14 2019

Note: Only for PB Apps ... not the IDE.


Friday, Nov 15 2019

Hi Ivan,
great job finding way to do this.

you should create video about it
or at least show some scheenshot



Sunday, Nov 17 2019

This is nice!
May I ask: why wine64, wine32 won't work?

Comment was last edited 5 years ago by Miguel Leeuwe
Monday, Nov 18 2019

Give it a try : Change 64 to 32 wherever you see a 64.

The thing is that we have been doing this for years with Powerbuilder 12.5 but we were encountering more and more issues on different platforms, since 32 bits in generally is less and less supported.

I know it works fine on 32 bits on Debian that i all I can guarantee.

The ability to generate 64 bits apps was the thing that made us switch to Powerbuilder 2019. Our life is now much easier.

Monday, Nov 18 2019

I see, ok, I'll give it a try, thanks!


Sunday, Dec 06 2020

Dear Iván Monnier:
First of all, congratulations on this great article. I have Windows 10 1903 installed on a PC and I have developed an application called Inventories (32bits) in powerbuilder 12.5 whose database is made in MySQL Workbench Community 8.0.21; while on another PC I have Debian 10.2 installed as well as Wine 32 bits. I want to run my application in Debian, could you tell me which would be the variations or the procedure to follow with respect to your described procedure since the connection to the database is done through the ODBC on the first PC. Thanks in advance Iván. I join the zulmach request that you create a video tutorial or through screenshots. Greetings from Peru.

Tuesday, Dec 08 2020

Hi Martin,

Very proud to have someone in Peru interested in this.

Forget staying to ODBC 32 bits which is less and less supported under Linux and very prawn to failure somewhere.
The first thing is to switch to JDBC.

Here are the revised steps for 32 bits (which works for 12.5):

Use JDBC Driver

Download JDBC driver from Mysql site (Chose platform independant)
Extract jar file , say mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar in C:\Your_jar_location\mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar
Install OpenJDK 32 on windows
Your jar file has to be in the CLASSPATH variable, your JVM dll has to be in the PATH variable.
In system environment variables on Windows setup these 2 variables

In your PB app when setting up the sqlca object for connection, replace those 2 statements by:
sqlca.DBMS = "JDBC"
sqlca.dbparm = "URL='jdbc:mysql://Your_host/Your_database_name',Driver='com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'"

Your app should now use JDBC on Windows which is much lighter that ODBC.

Then you should follow the steps described , changing every 64 to 32 anytime you see one.

Be careful with every path on every step.

Hope this helps a bit.

Comment was last edited 4 years ago by Ivan Monnier

Tuesday, Dec 08 2020

Dear Ivan:

Very grateful for your answer, I will follow all the steps to the letter of your procedure, and then I will tell you how it went. Again very grateful to you.


Wednesday, Mar 17 2021

Does 2019R3 IDE works on wine32?
Sure I can try that, but if someone did please let me know :-)
Thank you


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