1. Daniel Völker
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Thursday, 25 May 2017 13:47 PM UTC


we were told that the launch of SQL Server 2017 will be on 31 May 2017.

Today we are on 2014. We want to skip 2016 version and jump directly to 2017 asap.

When will Appeon Powerbuilder 2017 offical support Sql Server 2017.

We know that SAP Pb12.6 supports up to 2014 and Appeon PB 17 will support also 2016, but what's about 2017.


It seems to work, but we need offical support from vendor for our customers.

What can we say and when will it be supported?

PB 2018 would be to late for us :-(



Chris Pollach Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 25 May 2017 20:28 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Heino;

  From my understanding, the SQL Server 2017 product is still only in an "early adopter" (or preview) mode. As such, the Appeon engineering resources are focused on making sure that PB 2017 is properly tested against the current production versions of SQL Server. Since PB 2017 is almost ready to launch in its production mode, the SS2017 preview product is out-of-scope at this time.

  Appeon will re-evaluate the SS2017 support once Microsoft officially releases the production version. We will then assess when and where we will add this support into the either next engineering cycle of PB (aka PB 2018) or adopt an early driver release path in say a PB 2017 maintenance release. However at this time, we are not actively pursuing SS2017 support for PB 2017 due to other critical path issues as we are getting ready for the GA release for June 30, 2017.

Regards ... Chris

Appeon: Director, Developer Relations.

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