1. Jon Tzeng
  2. PowerServer 2020 or older (Obsolete)
  3. Wednesday, 11 July 2018 19:49 PM UTC


We are converting our PB application to PowerServer Web application. We use 'Dynamic Database Connection' in the AEM Data Source setting. Randomly, we get ORA-01031 insufficient privilege inserting to table error. The user does have the privilege to insert data to that table. We have to restart the application website to clear this issue but after a few minutes this insufficient occurs again.

Any idea how this happens and how to fix it?




Appeon Support Team Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 12 July 2018 00:20 AM UTC
  2. PowerServer 2020 or older (Obsolete)
  3. # 1


Please try unchecked 'Pooling' option in AEM Data Source setting.

In PowerBuilder application (client/server), once the client establishes connection to the database, a unique session will be created in database and maps to the application session, this is so called long connection, so it's a one-to-one relationship. However on Web application (browser/server), it uses the connection cache to connect to the database, the client does not connect to DB server directly, and all connect cache are managed by the Appeon Server. one Appeon IE session maps to more than one session in the database; when data retrieval or procedure is executed, the cache pool will automatically allocate a connection to connect to the database. When transaction is completed, the connection will be rolled back to the cache pool, this is so called short connection. One Web application may have many transactions, so it's a one-to-many relationship.




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