I am testing using the postgresql database and if I try to create a table it uses "user_name.table_name" but I need to create the tables in "public". In other DB's i would just log in as "dbo" and all would be well but postgresql wont let me use public as a login.
If changing it doesn't work, then you updated only some of the ini files. windows copies this to your local user settings directory.
It is a HUGE PITA to have to change this every time a new PB version comes out. I wish appeon would add this to the ini file as part of the standard install.
What Mike said is true. You can read more about this here: https://www.appeon.com/support/documents/appeon_online_help/pb2017r2/connecting_to_your_database/apas01.html
I will pass your suggestion to our engineering team as an enhancement request.