I am saving a PDF from a DataWindow.
The DataWindow just views a JPG image from a string field path.
The image is A5 in size, and is roughly 165 KB, I am putting it into the top left of my A4 landscape DataWindow.
I then just do the following code
dw_pod.DataObject = 'd_pod_landscape'
dw_pod.Modify("DataWindow.Print.Preview = Yes")
ls_filename = ls_savepathinv + '\' + string(ll_ticket) + '.pdf'
dw_pod.SaveAs(ls_filename, PDF!, FALSE)
FileCopy ( ls_filename , ls_savepathinv , TRUE )
This gives me a PDF, but instead of being of similar size (less than 200 KB) it saves it as 1,198 KB !!!!
Does anyone have any ideas of why it may be doing this?
I've attached the 2 files
dw_pod.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.ImageFormat = '1'")
dw_pod.SaveAs(ls_filename, PDF!, FALSE)
Have been and familiarised myself with all properties for Export.PDF.NativePDF now in the help too :-)