1. Yuri Denshchik
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Monday, 18 June 2018 22:56 PM UTC

I need to modify Roland's RunAndWait of_run()  from http://www.topwizprogramming.com/freecode_runandwait.html to capture process output 

So far no luck :( 

Here is the code I added before CreateProcess call:

// open file for write
ls_outputFileName = "c:\temp\output.log"
lul_file = CreateFile(ls_outputFileName, GENERIC_READ_WRITE, &
If lul_file <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then
    lstr_si.hStdOutput = lul_file
    lstr_si.hStdError = lul_file;
End If
Function ulong CreateFile ( &
string lpFileName, &
ulong dwDesiredAccess, &
ulong dwShareMode, &
ulong lpSecurityAttributes, &
ulong dwCreationDisposition, &
ulong dwFlagsAndAttributes, &
ulong hTemplateFile &
) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "CreateFileW"

The file gets created but it is empty.

Here is c++ code I found:

Please advise.

Thank you,



Kevin Ridley Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 19 June 2018 12:58 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Based on what I see there, you are just creating the file.  Where is the code that writes to it?

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Roland Smith Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 19 June 2018 02:19 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

In the example you linked to, the redirection character is a DOS Command Prompt command.

What exactly is it that you want to do from PB?

  1. Yuri Denshchik
  2. Tuesday, 19 June 2018 22:27 PM UTC
That does not work

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  1. Brad Mettee
  2. Wednesday, 20 June 2018 13:01 PM UTC
The file is supposed to remain open. The handle for it is passed into the CreateProcess call in the lstr_si structure.

  1. Helpful
  1. Yuri Denshchik
  2. Wednesday, 20 June 2018 16:01 PM UTC
That is what code above does. But the file is empty, where is the catch? 

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