1. Amit De Picciotto
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Sunday, 4 February 2024 15:16 PM UTC

Dear all,

will we be able to have cascade menus like we have in Excel?

(A drop-down below a drop down) like:

I could not found it on the demo app.

Many thanks to all


Julie Jiang @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 5 February 2024 03:24 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Amit, 

It is in fact already supported to have cascade menu. 

Please use the following settings:

   <Item Text="Tasks" PictureName="TasksSmall!" Checked="false" Enabled="true" Tag="Task" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_MenuTasksClicked" Selected="ue_MenuTasksSelected" >
                     <Item Text="Sub Task" PictureName="TasksSmall!" Checked="false" Enabled="true" Shortcut="Ctrl+Shift+Alt+B" Tag="Sub Task" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_SubTaskClicked" Selected="ue_SubTaskSelected" />
                    <Item Text="Sub Task2" PictureName="TasksSmall!" Checked="false" Enabled="true" Tag="Sub Task 2" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_SubTask2Clicked" Selected="ue_SubTask2Selected" />

Then the RibbonBar will display as:


Best regards, Julie

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