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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi Appeon,   Will PowerBuilder have the ability to interact directly with Copilot+ or other AI services ?   Thanks Steen   ps. Please add an "AI"  TAG to the tags list in this community....
Hi Appeon   Will PowerBuilder work on the new Microsoft Copilot+ ARM based Windows machines ? And if yes will it be using the x86 emulator or natively? If only the emulator will Appeon support Windows ARM based computers or only on legacy x86 ? ...
Me again! Is there a way to print a pdf document within my app? Right now I can do it, but it uses the shell command... lb_printed = lnv_runandwait.ShellRun( as_directory + as_filename, "print", 0) The shell command will use the windows default PD...
I am trying to set up pbautobuild for our application to automate our compiling process. After getting it set up, and cleaning up some out of sync .PBG files (which were giving me "file not found" errors), it appears to be getting stuck at this "Call...
I have some Rich Text fields on a few datawindow objects.  The issue I'm having is that the user cannot tab out of the RichText field.  When the user types TAB, it inserts a tab character (not really a big deal).  More importantly, when the cursor is...
looking for documenation on the powerserver c# objects. specifically, the details on : AddPowerServerAppConfig   what i want to do is use my own code to build the connection strings for powerserver (many databases/servers) so i can use a username/...
I'm having trouble understanding what the application object Idle function is expecting as an input parameter. The documentation doesn't really say what the data type is and the only examples show using a literal. Does it have to be a literal? I w...
Hi all, I'm setting the visible property on column True/False in a datawindow object.  I have two other fields that I base the decision on... uncert_included and accredited_requested.   Here's the logic behind the visible property: if ( (IsNull(un...
I have converted my application to run from Client Server to Docker (and IIS).  I have a datawindow that is working in Client Server but not Docker.  I didnt receive any errors when generating my project on this datawindow.  The database is SqlServer...
Hi I have an issue in PB 2022 build 1900 and Azure DevOps. When try to run Git Commit->'master' on new objects, marked with green +, PowerBuilder crashes. Changed objects, marked with red tick, hasn't that problem. They check in properly. Kind...
Hi, a customer is working on building a web client application (written in Javascript). One of the requirements is that clicking on a specificrow in the web client should jump to the corresponding row in a classic PowerBuilder application (2022 R3),...
Hi PB Experts Is PowerBuilder 2022 R3 compatible with Visual Studio 2015? We are planning to upgrade PowerBuilder from PB 2019 R3 to 2022 R3 version. From our current PowerBuilder 2019 R3 application, we are calling an oracle proc/package through wh...
Hi all I have a problem creating PDF files with the Native PDF option.   I had instaled our application ( pcode ) in a Windows Server 2016 64 bits.   When i log in this server, ussing my account, the generated PDFs has hight quality bipmaps , bu...
The .ipa file is created well and installed well on Mac PC.Because of the part below, it cannot be installed on iPhone or uploaded to the App Store.For reference, Xcode version is 15.3. 1. Asset validation failed Missing required icon file. The bund...
Hi, I've just found out that a window created by a MessageBox function is immune to ApplyTheme. It still has the default Windows look. Since no one has complained about it, it's not a big deal but from now on, it catches my eye.Is there a way how to...
Hi all, I am having trouble figuring out why an image from a datawindow using NativePDF to create a PDF, looks fine on my local environment but low quality when it is generated in our Citrix environment. This happens for both powerclient and non-pow...
Hi all, We have a challenge which I hope someone can help us with. From our PowerBuilder desktop application, we are sending data using REST API to an external company. This requires authentication by logging on to the company's website done by sen...
Hi all, I might be having a black-out or getting old, but I've been looking at a failing FileOpen for hours now. Maybe someone knows what I'm doing wrong. Using windows 10 latest version, PB 2019 R3 build 2797, running from the IDE in 32 bits. Pl...
Hi admin,   Please add an "AI"  TAG to the tags list in this community.   Thanks  Steen...
After successfully connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server database using SQLCA in PowerBuilder 2022 R2 and the MSOLEDBSQL driver, I am trying to call the sp_addapprole stored procedure using the following code: string ls_sqlls_sql = "sp_setap...

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