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Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi, Our PB Version : 12.5.2 Build 5652 Windows 7 SP1 Excel 2013 We are trying export data to an existing Excel File (template). Our code: string ls_fname transaction lt_tran ls_fname = "C:\Temp\Template.xlsx" TRY lt_tr...
Hi all, I am new to power builder 2017 but have used much older version of power builder in the past.  I would like to use power builder 2017 to print barcode labels with info from our DB.  So basically i would  be looking for a data window that, ...
We have several REST Services we call and get result back as a JSON or an XML output.  I have a new request to get back the RAW Bytes Array that it returns. How can I achieve that?  For EG:  We can do a GET for any image on the web like this...
I need push a stamp in my datawindow but I don't know how do, you please send  me a example  how i nedd show in my datawindow the stamp. This type of stamp is posible programing in PowerBuilder. Other name to stamp is electronic signature. ver...
Good Day, How to Get Actual Row number of a DataWindow in the initial retrieval, after applying the filter or sort is changed of a DataWindow using computed field? Regards Antony ...
Hi all, sorry but I've got another .Net Assembly target question.  If I have an NVO that I use in both a Powerbuilder Classic Windows application and also in a .Net Assembly, is there a way for that NVO to know whether it is being executed as a W...
If I click any icon on the PowerServer Toolbar, I get the following error message.  "Fail to run toolkit".  Using PB 2017 Build 1681.  What can I do to correct this?  Thanks. ...
Hi All, Is it possible use multi threading in powerbuilder application? We have a requirement that 1 lakh payroll record to be processed in limited time period so thinking to use multi threading where process can be placed parallel by dividing ...
My application is developed in PB 12.5 and migrated successfully to PB 2017. However there is a functionality to upload Excel files into a SQL Server DB. The code is :  ltr_excel = CREATE TRANSACTION  ltr_excel.DBMS = "OLE DB"  ltr_excel.Aut...
My app is running on SQL Server 2016 and PB 12.5. AutoCommit is set to False. I want to run a stored procedure that does some updates so I need to do a commit after. I also want any updates that were pending before the stored procedure was called ...
Hi, i'm testing 64bit compiled exe with PB2017. An error occurred (function return -1) while trying writing registry entries using RegistrySet. There are no problems with 32bit compiled version. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot Luc...
Just started getting this error during deployment: Failed to initialize ESQLMgr Appeon toolkit and server 2016 BUILD 1119   Nothing in help or the web to make sense of what the problem is.  Had been working fine, but this is the first ...
I updated an application from PowerBuilder v7 to PowerBuilder 2017. There is a statement in a function in a Windows object in one of the PBLs.     ls_jobno = dw_compproclist.object.jobno[ll_tcur] It moves information from a column in a datawindow ...
Is it possible to get a menuitem when I have the name in a variable? I want to disable/enable certain menus based on which modules the user has access to. All the menunames is stored in a table with the corresponding module number, and I'm ...
My migrated project deployed successfully, its stored in "D:\MyApp\" . It runs properly within that folder. However, when I move the deployed files to "C:\Production" folder, it fails to execute and generates Windows event log application error. ...
Hi all   My applications as my data windows are in Hebrew which is Right To Left . after installing the latest path for 2017 ( build 1681 ) the saveas function for pdf starts to converse the words in the pdf file . Doe's any one else ...
We have recently imported the PBDOM extension into one of our existing libraries. I feel like I am missing something very basic because our automated builds fail when trying to compile the library stating that the pbdom_document object is an illegal ...
How can the .NET runtime files be included in the Powerbuilder runtime Installer? ...
I have set the datasource​ and my PowerScript is this CONNECT USING SQLCA; Retrieve is working fine, but Update, Insert and Delete not   my Datawindow Sql Code   anyone have any idea what may be wrong? Very gratefu...
Hello all   I have a ws which worked great for some time now . just recently i got an error when i run the application from the IDE (pb 2017) :" Bad run time refence at line..... ." the line code is : my_con.CreateInstance( the instance name...

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